| Getting ready for the second round of iBRoad stakeholders' meetings
With the pilot testing of the iBRoad tools completed, we are getting ready for the second round of formal discussion workshops in the participating countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden), to review and exchange on experiences, further needs, opportunities and challenges of the iBRoad renovation roadmap and logbook. Stakeholders concerned come from national and local authorities, engineering and building associations, technical chambers and consumer associations, building components industry, finance institutions, academia, NGOs, think tanks, media and more.
If you wish to become involved, please send a message here.
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| | Quantifying home renovation
Report and database for techno-economic default assessment of renovation measures
This iBRoad output provides a default database supporting a generic techno-economic assessment of renovation measures. The default database consists of a list of possible renovation measures (building envelope and HVAC system) and their costs. This data can support the auditor in the cost assessment of renovation measures while developing a renovation roadmap.
Access it here.
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| | iBRoad develops code on energy demand calculation
The iBRoad project has made available an open-source programme for the techno-economic assessment of renovation measures and alternative renovation pathways of a building. The programme, written in the programming language Python, provides a simplified standardised energy demand model to assess useful, final and primary energy demand of residential houses.
Access the code and guidance here.
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| | Where would you like to see iBRoad next?
iBRoad has been featured in more than 25 events of various sizes and audiences including a workshop by the Global Alliance for Building & Construction, the Concerted Action EPBD meeting in Riga and the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence & Security Sector, providing numerous opportunities to discuss and support related visions and ideas.
Where would you like to see the iBRoad concept being featured next? Please send your suggestions here.
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| | iBRoad in the STUNNING Final Conference
The final conference of the STUNNING project,
funded by the European Horizon 2020 Programme, took place on 18 September 2019 in Paris, France. The conference focused on the adoption and replication of successful and innovative refurbishment packages and business models for attractive, energy-efficient building renovations.
In total, 14 European projects in the field of energy-efficient building renovation and construction, among which iBRoad, participated in the interactive sessions of the conference.
Find out more and join the exchange at the STUNNING Renovation Hub.
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| | iBRoad at the ETICS Forum, Bucharest
On 19 September, EAE’s Romanian member association QETICS, organised the 3rd ETICS Forum in Bucharest, Romania. With the title "The quality of ETICS systems – one product, but multiple components", the event was supported by a number of established stakeholders in the field of thermal insulation systems.
The iBroad concept was presented as a potential solution to socio-economic and technical challenges faced in the building sector, in order to achieve EU environmental targets.
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| | Video and presentations of the H2020 cluster event at the EUSEW 2019
A successful Horizon 2020 cluster event took place during the European Sustainable Energy Week 2019 in Brussels. Five EU funded projects collaborating on integrated tools and methods for deep retrofitting, looked at key challenges that need to be surpassed for a breakthrough in building energy improvement, proposing specific solutions, and highlighting some good reasons for optimism. iBRoad engaged in a vivid discussion with cluster Horizon 2020 projects Fit-to-NZEB, HAPPEN, ALDREN and TripleAReno. Special thanks to all who contributed and in particular the Architects' Council of Europe for the organisation.
Find the event presentations and the video here.
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| | EPBD19a stakeholder meeting
Interesting viewpoints on the concept of the Building Renovation Passport were shared during the EPBD 19a feasibility study 1st stakeholder meeting which took place in Brussels on 24 June 2019. Twο of the iBRoad project partners (ifeu and VEA) have presented their national approaches. The minutes and presentations of the meeting are available at epbd19a.eu. A 2nd stakeholder meeting is planned for 28 November 2019 in Brussels. If you are interested to join the 2nd EPBD 19a feasibility study stakeholder meeting discussions alive, follow epbd19a.eu for the detailed agenda and registration link.
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Featured infographic: Integration of the default database, as part of the Energy Demand calculation, in the iBRoad concept
For further information, read the Report "Quantifying home renovation"
iBRoad is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 European programme, aimed at exploring, designing, developing and demonstrating the concept of individual Building Renovation Roadmaps. With the innovative approach proposed, the project aims to become a real driver for deep renovation. Representing an evolution of the Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and energy audit systems, building renovation roadmaps will serve as a tool outlining a customised renovation plan with a long-term horizon for deep step-by-step renovation of individual buildings (iBRoad-Plan), combined with a repository of building-related information (logbook, iBRoad-Log).
The sole responsibility of the content of this news alert lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
Individual Building Renovation Roadmaps
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